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Getting setup

  1. Install Minikube by following the Minikube installation guide. If you're feeling up to it, you could use another tool (e.g. k3d, kind) but we recommend Minikube.
  2. Create a Minikube cluster
    # we recommend the docker driver so YMMV with others
    minikube start --driver=docker
  3. Clone the repository
    git clone
  4. Install clusterctl
    curl -L -o /tmp/clusterctl
    install /tmp/clusterctl ~/.local/bin/clusterctl
  5. Deploy dependencies
    cd /path/to/vkp/
  6. Deploy components in the following order
    cd apiserver/
    skaffold run
    cd ../operator/
    skaffold run
    cd ../web/
    skaffold run
    cd ../web-login/
    skaffold run
    cd ../metrics-proxy/
    skaffold run

You should now have an instance of the VKP running in your Minikube.